
ペットを迎え入れたとたん豹変するメンズ image credit:kipperkins/Reddit



Dad: We are not feeding that feral cat. Also Dad: I set up a heated cat house in the backward and put a camera so we can make sure she’s home safe every night. from r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


No matter how much I begged, my Dad never let me have a pet when I was younger. This is him dragging my cat in a box (which he named the “Kitty Express”) while making train noises, and laughing like a child. from r/dadswhodidnotwantpets



Caught him hugging the giant dog he didn't want, he was also singing the dog his own personal song. from r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


Dad went from "You're taking him with you when you leave." to "Are you really gonna take him with you??" from r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


He never wanted a dog. Four days after they met, she helped him to recover from a stroke from r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


Dad: "No animal allowed in this house!". Also dad: .... from r/aww


He’s never been a dog person. Ever. And now my dad takes Yuki sailing and talks to her wherever they go. “Shall we garden today? Ooh let’s dig a hole. Where shall we dig it? Over there! That’s good digging. Would you like a carrot? Some water? Shall we get the paper and do the crossword?” from r/aww


My Dad (79) went from “I don’t want that dang cat” to carrying her to “her room” for bed each night. from r/aww


If your dad didn’t say “we are not keeping the cat” and then bond with her and love her the most is he even your dad?? from r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


My father, who used to hate cats, and Linus, my cat from r/cats


Dad didn’t want a dog. Dad and the dog: from r/aww

written by Scarlet / edited by parumo

記事全文はこちら:「ペットはいらん!」と言っていたはずのお父様方の豹変っぷりを集めてみた http://karapaia.com/archives/52293119.html